SmartStart Life Insurance

Policies Designed For Your Children

You've Already Invested In Starting a Family. Now You Should Protect Your Children.

Every parent harbors the aspiration of providing their children with an unparalleled head start in life. When pondering how to transform this aspiration into reality, parents ought to contemplate the SmartStart plan, an offering byThe Becton Group. This ingenious program empowers your child with a jumpstart on accumulating funds for their collegiate endeavors, the initial down payment on their future abode, and even their retirement nest egg, all the while safeguarding them with the protective shield of life insurance.

The SmartStart plan serves as a conduit for securing your child's financial future while preserving their insurability, irrespective of the curveballs life may throw their way. Within this innovative life insurance policy lies a dual-purpose: shielding your child with insurance coverage while nurturing a cash value savings component, laying the groundwork for a prosperous future. Unlike entities peddling proprietary insurance products solely for the sake of commissions, we at The Becton Group reject the notion of a one-size-fits-all solution. Instead, we delve into the intricacies of your financial landscape, your aspirations, and your budget constraints, crafting a tailored policy that perfectly aligns with your objectives.

Our unwavering commitment revolves around tailoring insurance solutions that seamlessly merge with your aspirations, requirements, and financial bottom line. With access to an extensive network of over a dozen carriers, we embark on a mission to secure the ideal policy for you. Opting for SmartStart isn't just a prudent choice for your child; it's a testament to your savvy decision-making. Choose The Becton Group—an epitome of smart decision-making—for a future overflowing with financial security and peace of mind.

Industry Leader

We're Memphis's insurance agency of choice because of our expertise and our commitment to the community. 

Quality Guaranteed

When you get a policy with The Becton Group, we know you don't want legalese. You want the protection you're promised.

Future Investment

Small monthly payment can add up to a massive amount of protection for you and your family.

You're Buying Insurance for Protection, Not Legalese

At The Becton Group, we understand the important role we play in your quality of life. An insurance policy gives you peace of mind in good times, as well as the help you need during bad times.

When you file a claim with The Becton Group, we'll examine it carefully, making sure you're getting the compensation you deserve -- the compensation you've paid for. Because you should get what you pay for.

The Becton Group's Mission Statement

Are you and your family ready for the worst?

Everyone deserves the protection offered by insurance.

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