Mortgage Protection Insurance

Mortgage Insurance in TN & MS

What is Mortgage Protection Insurance?

Mortgage protection insurance, a form of term life insurance, serves as a safety net to settle your mortgage if the unexpected occurs. Similar to a standard term life policy, you select a coverage period and make monthly payments. Should you pass away during the policy's term, your chosen beneficiary receives a payout to clear the mortgage debt, ensuring your family can stay in their home.

Advantages of Mortgage Protection Insurance

  1. Death Benefit: Provides funds to pay off your mortgage if you pass away.
  2. Disability Coverage: Keeps up with your mortgage payments if you become disabled.
  3. Critical Illness Protection: Safeguards your mortgage payments in case of critical illness.
  4. Affordable Premiums: Enjoy the benefits of a life insurance policy with manageable premiums.
  5. Peace of Mind: Rest easy knowing your home and family are protected.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I qualify for mortgage protection insurance?

A: In most cases, yes. With simplified underwriting, there's a high acceptance rate, often eliminating the need for a medical exam.

Q: When should I buy mortgage protection insurance?

A: If you have a mortgage or are in the process of obtaining one, it's wise to consider mortgage protection insurance.

Q: Can I afford mortgage protection insurance?

A: Absolutely. Mortgage protection is cost-effective, making it a practical choice compared to other insurance options. It's often more economical than purchasing a separate whole life policy.

Industry Leader

We're Memphis's insurance agency of choice because of our expertise and our commitment to the community. 

Quality Guaranteed

When you get a policy with The Becton Group, we know you don't want legalese. You want the protection you're promised.

Future Investment

Small monthly payment can add up to a massive amount of protection for you and your family.

You're Buying Insurance for Protection, Not Legalese

At The Becton Group, we understand the important role we play in your quality of life. An insurance policy gives you peace of mind in good times, as well as the help you need during bad times.

When you file a claim with The Becton Group, we'll examine it carefully, making sure you're getting the compensation you deserve -- the compensation you've paid for. Because you should get what you pay for. 

The Becton Group's Mission Statement

Are you and your family ready for the worst?

Everyone deserves the protection offered by insurance.

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